For the ones who keep going, we're always here to help.
As you return to work, we will always be here to help.
The COVID-19 pandemic has required unprecedented demands on healthcare, business and government alike. As the world prepares for the "next normal", we're here to help. Please keep in mind access to certain inventory changes quickly on some high-demand products. R2GS remains vigilant in providing the products, services and resources needed to help you maintain a safe, healthy and productive work environment.
Practice Social Distancing
Take steps to maintain six feet of distance by reducing occupancy and contact density in your work environments.
Make sure your employees who are working from home have the products they need to get their jobs done.

Floor Plan Change
Redesign your spaces to reduce the density of your occupants and minimize unsafe interactions.

Signage & Floor Marking
Clearly mark areas to remind you employees to practice physical distancing and interact safely.

Work from Home Supplies
Get your employees what they need to help maintain productivity while working remotely.
Maintain Clean Facilities
Whether it’s more frequent attention or a deeper clean your building requires, R2GS has the products, supplies and equipment to help you maintain clean facilities.
From air quality control to touch-free technology, here’s how to make your work environment shine and help prevent the spread of germs.

Clear the air with products that can help reduce the transmission of airborne diseases.
Air Quality

Frequent Cleaning
A more frequent cleaning schedule plays a key role in maintaining healthy conditions.

Deep / Special Cleaning
For enhanced cleaning, get the specific products to deep clean in specific areas and applications.
Manage Exposure
Sometimes your employees and guests have to interact.
When they do, take precautions with this collection of products to help minimize their risk of exposure to harmful germs when they’re in shared spaces or using shared equipment.

Personal Protection
Give your employees an extra layer of protection to help safeguard against respiratory and contact-driven diseases.

Medical Testing
Identify potential health risks by taking increased screening and testing measures.

Shared Equipment
Minimize the risk of disease transmission while working with machinery, tools, and other shared equipment.